Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Multi-Domain MDM

Ok, ok, it is really the same thing... Multi-Domain MDM and Multi-Entity MDM. So much maturing terminology...I will get to the point.

If you attended conferences on MDM since late 2008, you might have noticed that most product vendors either already support (say they support) or are moving towards supporting multi-entity MDM. To be honest, very few vendors are close to mature multi-entity MDM as of early 2009; the direction however is clear. Most engagements I have worked on to-date involved multiple MDM domains and I foresee this continuing in the future. With multiple domains comes the need for MDM enablement which was introduced in a prior blog. Since MDM enablement involves commonalities across domains, there is more emphasis and need for enablement under the centralized MDM style / architectural pattern.

Which reminds me, there has been a slight change of terminology on MDM architectural styles as presented by Gartner on the November 2008 MDM conference. The table below shows the change (green replacing red) and consolidates/aligns the Gartner terms to the ones from IBM's and my first article on MDM which can be found under the links area.

(end of parenthesis)

Getting back to Multi-Entity MDM, I believe this is a natural evolution of maturity and would expect (in alignment with other MDM experts) to see not only vendors and implementations, but also governance and assets consolidation into more homogeneous solutions across domains in the future. Here are a few selected quotes on market trends from MDM experts, providing insight to the future direction of multi-entity MDM.

"Multi-style MDM to increase.Through 2009 and 2010, Global 5000 enterprises will broaden their MDM business initiatives from single-use case, single entity to multi-style, multi-entity uses"
Aaron Zornes, founder and chief research officer, MDM Institute.

"I have seen positive momentum towards multi-data-domain operational MDM solutions."
Rob Karel, MDM analyst, Forrester.

"By 2012, more than 65% of Global 2000 organizations will deploy two or more domain-specific, MDM-supporting technologies that start out as specific business requirements but become part of a larger MDM initiative."
Andrew White, Research VP, Gartner Inc.

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